Bottega Bernard is an emerging genderless fashion brand, born in Tuscany in 2021 from the idea of ​​Annachiara Bernardi.

BB grounds its essence on the cohesion of various elements: sartorialism, textile research and environmental respect, which combined with a modern design, create our vision of sustainable fashion.

The brand is rooted in the artisan traditions typical of the Tuscan territory, rediscovering the True Made in Italy, the sartorial processes, the attention to detail, and researching high-quality Italian fabrics and raw materials, which have a reduced impact on the environment, preferring natural, organic, recycled and end-cycle fibres.

Bottega Bernard's genderless design fuses the contemporary spirit of streetwear with elements of timeless elegance. This is our representation of a fashion that adapts to all lifestyles, that is inclusive and boundless.

Influenced by life experiences, Bottega Bernard is the canvas to share our narrative, our education, the people around us and our taste, allowing the individuals wearing it to fully express their uniqueness and feel part of the BB family.


Bottega Bernard debuts at the Phygital Sustainability Expo, the first event in Italy entirely dedicated to sustainability in fashion, with the Narrated Fashion Show held at the Mercati di Traiano in Rome, in July 2022. A few months later, BB flies to New York, to participate in New York Fashion Week in September with the Betulle in Soho collection, marking its official entry into the international fashion scene.

In the same year, the Brand participates in the Cambiamenti Award where it receives a Special Mention for Inclusivity, in recognition of Bottega Bernard's strong commitment to promoting inclusive and sustainable fashion. In June 2023, BB participates in the Barolo Fashion Contest, winning the Award for Craftsmanship, thus consolidating its connection with sartorial techniques.

A few days later, Bottega Bernard is the protagonist of the first edition of the Lucca Fashion Weekend, presenting the Soul Canvas collection in the evocative setting of the Baluardo San Regolo. In June 2024, BB returns to Lucca catwalk for the second edition of the Lucca Fashion Weekend, presenting the Unmute collection, continuing its path of exploration of a fluid, inclusive fashion aimed at celebrating individual diversity.


The BB logo, the FLY, represents our vision of sustainable fashion, attentive to the environment and capable of discovering value even in the most unexpected details.

This insect, often underestimated, plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, contributing to the cycle of life and becoming an essential element for the balance of our planet.


BOTTEGA represents the essence of craftsmanship, a place where savoir-faire with hands and heart merges with our philosophy. Symbol of true Made in Italy, the bottega reflects the value we attribute to the time and attention dedicated to each creation. It is a celebration of tradition, which we revisit in a contemporary way to offer garments that blend past and present.

BERNARD is a tribute to our family roots. By including our last name in the brand, we tell the story of the people behind each collection, highlighting the importance of family in our creative journey.


Annachiara Bernardi, born in 2000, is the founder and designer of Bottega Bernard. With a background in economics and a specialization in Luxury, Fashion & Made in Italy at Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, she created the brand to give shape to her vision of authentic and conscious fashion.

Her aesthetic combines a passion for tailoring techniques with a deep commitment to sustainability, giving life to creations that blend tradition, contemporaneity, inclusiveness and ethics, respecting the environment.